that overtook your wall, with accompanying statement at Visible Binary, made August 2020, published August 2022

PARK Ephemera, exhibition and performance of room-sized installation of Scappettone’s “Waste Sestet” and group exhibition of ephemera from collaborative PARK performance sequences (2009-2023) at Fresh Kills Landfill and Pratt Institute in New York City, with Kathy Westwater (director and choreographer) and Seung Jae Lee (architect/designer), Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art, New York City, Fall 2023

“Syrinx Spring,” a film-poem for “Coal-Mine Canary,” accompanied by a bestiary entry for the digital edition of BECOMING Feral (Objet-a, 2021)

Populist Pastoral (In Smoke), a film with accompanying text with filmmaker/photographer Nicholas Calvin Mwakatobe, made in 2019, published at Venti: Air—Experience—Aesthetics, vol. 2, in 2021

Confinement Motet, a pandemic video poem, at the St. Mark’s Poetry Project’s HOUSE PARTY (2020), with accompanying essay

LAMENT; Or, The Mine Has Been Opened Up Well, installation encompassing immersive point-cloud projection, interactive Augmented Reality apps, video, and soundscape with poetry, at Counterpath Space, Denver, April 2019, and at Digital Trash exhibition at Rutgers-Camden Center for the Arts, September-December 2018, in collaboration with Judd Morrissey and Ava Aviva Avnisan, with soundwork by Mark Booth

The Data That We Breathe, performance/installation/salon at 6018|North (IN>TIME festival) with Caroline Bergvall and Judd Morrissey, Chicago, 2016

Of the Monitor's Fight, at Una Vetrina, Rome, 2015

Leave Loom: A Memory at WUHO Gallery, Los Angeles, 2015

Trash Triptych for Exit 43 at Descrizione del Mondo, a collective installation at the Unione Culturale Antonicelli in Turin and online, 2015

Neosuprematist Webtexts (Pastoral Crash)  at Dusie "Ecopoethos" issue, 2014

Illocatable Hours at Visual Poetics: An exhibition at the intersection of the visual and literary arts at Addison Center for the Arts, 2012

12 Stills from Neosuprematist Webtexts, installed at Infusoria, an exhibition of visual poetry, at the Festival Le Off, Maison des Cultures, Brussels and Het Zilverhof, Ghent, 2009

Stills from Neosuprematist Webtexts, featured at Zaoem exhibit of visual poetry in Ghent, 2008

Stills from "Abluvion Almanac" @ 2nd Avenue Poetry

Stills from "Abluvion Almanac" @ Counterpath Online

Stills from "Abluvion Almanac" @ Dusi